
Kinetic Panel 3.3 is Here.

Kinetic Panel version 3.3 is now live on all nodes. Its a smaller update like our last few updates, but it does come with some nice changes to the panel

UI Changes

The UI has had a number of tweaks on all parts of the panel. This should improve usability on some screen sizes and small quality of life changes.

Some big UI changes are on the Dashboard and Overview page.


The Dashboard is something we want to improve more on, but this update its had some small UI tweaks to make it look cleaner. We've also added more quick links to get you to our help sites faster.

Overview Page

The Overview page has been change to make room for our new startup flags selector. We'll cover that a little more in a moment. That's not the only changes. There is a new quick actions and links section, along with new buttons to get you to help pages faster when stuck. We've also improve the Overview page for games that are not Minecraft, to remove the odd gaps for removed Minecraft settings.

New Start Flag Selector

Our Overview page now has a new startup flag selector. Before we just had the Aikar flag toggle, but now we have a neat little drop down that offers more flag options for you.

The old Aikar flag toggle for Minecraft will stay there for now, to give time for people to select the correct flags from the new drop down, but it will be going away in the next panel update. So make sure you change.

Bug Fixes

Lots of bug fixes in this update. The biggest one being the fix for the version installer not showing for sub users.