Discord Bots
Pull Files From Git

Pull Files From Github

Our panel allows for you to download versions directly from your git repository. In this example we'll be using github, but gitlab is also supported.

Access Token

We first need to get the access token for your bot. For this click on your profile icon on the github website, then go to settings. On the setting page, head to developer settings, then personal access token.

For this example we're going to use the classic token, however, the new tokens should work fine, they just haven't been tested yet.

Generate a new taken, make sure it has the correct permissions, and then set it in the Overview page.

Address and Username

The next step is to set the address of the bot. This will be the URL of your repo. We can then your github username.


The last step is to head to rename and reinstall on the panel. Here reinstall the server. This will download all your files. After this updates should be pulled on server restart.